Merry Mission
Build-A-Bear, an international toy company, was planning a new major line of Christmas-themed products, and they wanted a fun game to promote and interact with those products. Plow was asked to develop Build-A-Bear: Merry Mission, a multi-game app where players could scan the medallions of reindeer-themed stuffed animals that they purchased in-store to play as them in-game. The app features three different mini-games, an in-game currency shop to purchase reindeer (for players without a medallion) and decorations for their stables, an in-engine sing-along, a trophy system, and an animated story sequence.
Plow planned out the functionality of the game and worked with CVR to implement their graphic design. We developed the game with Unity, created all 3D models, textures, and animations, and used Metaio augmented reality to scan toy medallions for unlocking characters. It was released for iOS and Android. The following year, we added a new character to the app and all-new decorations for the existing reindeer.
In 2023, Plow updated the original 2014 app to coincide with the release of the new movie, Glisten and the Merry Mission, during the same year.